
Bruner (1960, p.33, cited in Seifert & Sutton, 2009) stated that “...any subject can be taught effectively in some intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development”. Share your thoughts on this statement.


  1. In my opinion a child needs to go through the stages of cognitive development in order to reach certain levels of understanding, therefore effective learning will only take place when the child has reached certain levels of cognitive development.

  2. Yes.. I agree with your opinion! Cognitive refers to thinking and memory process.Also,child has different thinking in different age or stages. lets talk about an example; in sensorimotor stage, child feels difficult to add and subtract. why? because he or she don't have that much thinking. on the other hand the child has not reach that level by cognitively.Therefore, to form an effective learner, it include cognitive stages.

  3. yes i also agree with you both. because in each stage children learn different things. their thinking will be different. which they do sensorimoto stage they may feel difficult but in next stage they will not feel difficult.

  4. Question 2: Apart from the ideas that I have shared regarding application of scaffolding in classrooms, do you have any other ideas or ways in which scaffolding can be applied in a classroom setting?

  5. In construction terms, scaffolding is the additional structure built onto another to make some improvement or repair possible. Imagine the planks and pipes attached to a house that is being repainted. Without the scaffolding, the painters would not be able to perform the necessary work on the building.so, in a class we can scaffold by playing games.

  6. It would be helpful if you could identify and specify which type of games could be used to scaffold.

  7. scaffolding means supporting..... teacher can help in many ways as like a students who know to count numbers but don't know how to write. teacher can support student to write
